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    Written by DafaNews
    Emma Raducanu

    Current US Open champion Emma Raducanu shared her tour essentials in a LTA video

    September 20, 2021


    US Open winner Emma Raducanu recently featured in a video for the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) in their Tour Essentials series. This is her first full season WTA tour and it was fun to know the things that she likes to carry with her while moving around the globe.

    The 18-year-old revealed that she likes keeping a disposable camera with her for the tour. She enjoys looking back at the pictures from the tour. The photos help her relive the memorable moments.

    “My first essential that I can’t travel without is this disposable camera,” Raducanu said. “I love using the disposable camera because I find when I get them back at the end of the trip and get [the photographs] developed, it takes me through a little journey of my travels.”

    Raducanu also opened up on how she is fond of confectionery and hence she would not be able to live without them on tour. She admits that she always carries a jar of peanut butter and dark chocolate to answer her cravings.

    She also adds a lacrosse ball to the list to ease out her sore muscles along with an extra pair of off-court trainers. She showed her new purchases and admitted that she is always looking for new stuff on the internet.

    “My next one I actually travel with everywhere, dark chocolate and peanut butter,” Raducanu said. “It’s an absolute must for me. I have a dark chocolate square everyday at least because I feel like I need a sweet treat and I could eat peanut butter with everything.”

    “Whenever I travel, I feel like a pair of trainers for off-court is essential,” she added. “I’m quite into these low dunks at the moment and these were quite tough to get […] For these, I was the person at 2.59 for the 3pm dropoff, was refreshing my page.”

    The English youngster revealed how she enjoys music before her game. Although she did not pick a genre she hinted that she enjoys energetic music with good beats.

    Lastly, she joked how rap music would make her sleepy earlier hence she has given up on them.

    “Pre-match I always love listening to music,” Raducanu said. “I listen to anything really before a match, I quite like listening to things that are quite energetic and have good beats too.”

    “I used to listen to rap but less so now because I find that it makes me a bit sleepy, I don’t know how,” the youngster added. “There’s a time and place for every genre.”


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