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    Written by DafaNews
    Mattia Binotto

    F1 Season Could Begin In July

    April 17, 2020


    The Formula 1 is one of the sports to suffer the most hits as a result of the coronavirus. The 2020 season was originally scheduled to begin in mid March, with the Australian Grand Prix but that had to be suspended due to the pandemic.

    At the moment, 9 races have been suspended, cancelled or rescheduled and we are still wondering if we would get any action this year.

    Already, Mattia Binotto, Ferrari boss had already hinted that the 2020 season could be extended up to next year as a result of readjustments that would take place. From that, the new season could begin in Summer.

    Now, F1 bosses have deliberated the possibility of the new season beginning with the Austrian Grand Prix in July. The race would take place between 3th and 5th of July, as scheduled at the start of the year.

    Part of the reason for that is because Austria has started relaxing the laws surrounding the lockdown, giving stores the go-ahead to open, hinting things may be getting better in the country, as regards effect of the pandemic.

    The race would, however, be taking place behind closed doors, meaning fans and other spectators would not be allowed into the venue. This is to continue the trend of social distancing as a way of preventing spread of the virus.

    Although the French Grand Prix is the next race on the calendar, there are serious doubts as to that happening as France has extended its ban on mass gathering till mid July.

    Another important issue discussed at the Thursday meeting include setting a budget cap and reducing it for the 2022 season. The meeting ended up without a new cap, but all sides agreed it was necessary.

    The decision to begin the season in July is not yet final as all the bosses around agreed that they would not resume the season if they cannot carry through. This means they have to consider health situations around the many countries the races would hold before commenting.



    Written by: Leon Osamor

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