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    Written by DafaNews
    Jerry West

    He’s a man who probably changed the way the sport is looked at today” – Jerry West on the legacy left behind Bill Russell

    August 3, 2022


    NBA legend Jerry West paid his tribute to late Bill Russell, who died Sunday at the age of 88 years. West believes Russell was the man who probably change the way the sport is looked at today in the world and left a huge legacy behind.

    Bill Rusell is regarded as one of the best players to have ever graced the game of Basketball. Russell won a total of 11 NBA championship with Boston Celtics, eight of which came on the trot.

    In fact, Russell led Boston Celtics to 12 NBA finals and also became the first African American to be a coach of the NBA team.

    West believes Russell revolutionized the game with his athleticism and great defensive play.

    “He was the most unique player that I think he came into the league at that point in time,” West said on the Dan Patrick. “He was kind of a forerunner of what we see today: these active big guys who can move out in the court. He could play out in the court, but his activity level was probably what made him stand out more than anything, particularly on the defensive end.

    “And I think that was the advent of people starting to understand the importance of the defensive play in this league and what particularly what one man could do to disrupt other teams. It allowed you to do so many things to hide weak defensive players, players that sometimes people would take advantage of.

    “And they were smart enough to use him the right way. They would funnel guys to him. … He’s a man who probably changed the way the sport is looked at today, everyone looking for a big gifted guy. And over the years, we’ve seen changes in the game, particularly because of the 3-point line.

    “I think his unique style of play will be what someone is looking for now more than ever in the sense that hopefully there will be a better offensive player than he was. But remarkable player, but, more importantly, remarkable man.”

    Russell scored 14522 points in his illustrious career and also won the 1956 Melbourne Olympics Gold Medal. A lot of NBA analysts have paid their condolences to Russell’s family and are remembering him for all the good things he did in the sport.


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