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    Written by DafaNews

    Former NBA player Gilbert Arenas felt Steve Nash’s sacking as Brooklyn Nets coach was completely justified

    December 28, 2022

    Former NBA player Gilbert Arenas is always chasing controversies. While he has left the NBA sometime ago, he never backs down from making controversial comments. While there are many who have a lot to say around the league, Arenas makes sure that he is heard. He once made some comments about former Brooklyn Nets coach Steve Nash before he was fired from the role. Arenas understood that the job was not for him.

    The comments were made in the 2022 season on Vlad TV and he did question Steve Nash’s decision to join brooklyn as a coach and also did not praise him much as being a rookie coach he thought it was difficult for him to manage such high profile players in the team.

    “So, now when you’re a rookie coach and you got these two players coming in your practices and your games and they’re really dissecting everything you’re doing,” Arenas said. “So, when you’re talking about, ‘Oh, we’re going to practice for an hour-and-a-half,’ and both of them practiced for 30 minutes and they did all this stuff individually and that’s what was successful, you’re gonna sit there and bump every time you do something wrong.”

    He directly clarified how the team was run by Kyrie Irving and Kevin Durant despite Nash’s presence as a head coach. He shares how Nash never got to understand his true potential and should have joined a developmental team like Sacramento, Memphis, etc. definitely not with a team that has three bonafide superstars.

    “You’re not gonna get a fair assessment of what you’re capable of. So, I thought he should have gotten like a developmental type of team. You know? Grizzlies, Sacramento, one of those type of teams. I don’t think that he should have been put with those three superstars,” Arenas explained.

    These comments were made two months before Steve Nash was fired and it is surprising how he predicted the situation so early. When Nash actually got fired Arenas said a lot more about him and how he was given a gold mine and there was no gold in it. He also called him a failure as a coach.

    “Yeah, not surprised, no,” Arenas said. “And the reason I say that is because he was given a gold mine and the gold was not there, right? Right. It has nothing to do with him. The gold was not there. Together, it wasn’t one of those things where they played, you know, 70-plus games with each other every year, and he just failed as a coach,” Arenas said after Steve Nash’s dismissal as Nets’ coach.

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