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    Written by DafaNews
    Patrick Beverley Minnesota Timberwolves

    Don’t Mock the Timberwolves

    April 20, 2022


    No one should mock the Timberwolves. So… they just earned a ticket to the NBA Playoffs by beating the Clippers in a very intense “play-in” game for the 7th seed and they celebrated the win like the Bulls when they won their six NBA Championships in the 90s.

    Patrick Beverley jumped on the scorer’s table and screamed to the fans… Anthony Edwards quickly followed him…

    The whole team went crazy.. let them, it’s just their second playoff appearance since 2004 and Beverley helped beat a Clippers team that tossed him aside after years of giving them his all.

    Sadly, some people weren’t happy about the Wolves’ post-game celebration.

    Many clowned them for “acting like they won a championship.”

    Me? I LOVED IT!

    Look… I’ve been critical of professional players in the past…

    Sometimes it seems like players sign a big, life-changing contract and then stop caring so much about the game… since they’ve “made it” and they think it’s time to put their feet up.

    But this was the opposite…

    It was clear that the Timberwolves cared about this win.

    Beverley was crying after the game… it obviously MEANT something.

    I will never mock a team for showing the world how much they care.

    All that raw emotion, with passion and competitiveness is awesome.

    I want more of it in all sports.

    And it’s not just about professional athletes. I’ve been to youth soccer games in my country and I’ve seen people clowning the teams who won a championship and then celebrated. Some guys even said, “it’s just a kid’s game, who cares, is not like they will play in the World Cup one day.”

    My point is:

    Let’s not mock teams for caring about the game of basketball or any other sport.

    Let’s not mock players for displaying passion at any age. We need more of that at all sports and at all levels.


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