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    Written by DafaNews
    Kevin Garnett

    Boston Celtics great Kevin Garnett feels Warriors talisman Stephen Curry is the Michael Jordan of this new era

    January 6, 2022


    In the NBA the term ‘GOAT” can be different for different people. Some people still feel that Michael Jordan was the GOAT. While others may feel that Kobe Bryant was way more deserving of that tag. In the current generation, the argument is between the likes of Kevin Durant, Stephen Curry and LeBron James.

    While people have been comparing LeBron with Jordan for a really long time. Some experts feel that this generation have its own Jordan in form of Stephen Curry.  Boston Celtics great Kevin Garnett recently said so. He feels that Curry’s impact on modern day NBA is similar to what Jordan’s impact was back during his time.

    Garnett also shared his thoughts on another Warriors player, Andrew Wiggins and feels that it is his best opportunity for Wiggins to play with the Michael Jordan of this era.

    “He’s playing with the Michael Jordan of his era,” Garnett said. “The knowledge that he takes not just from Steve Kerr and that coaching staff but that pedigree of excellence that they push around there in Golden State — you can’t come in there and be less than. Those are champions in there. Those guys have won together. They’ve been in the grit. They’ve been in the foxhole together. I think it motivates him.”

    Kevin Garnett here is not entirely wrong, ever since the Warriors have drafted Curry, the young guard has changed the entire narrative of playing the game from beyond the line. He has definitely revolutionised the sport as much as Jodan did during his era.

    Curry last season also had a meteroic statistics and was very well placed in the MVP race but Denver Nuggets star Nikola Jokic was handed that award. This season also Curry has tried to match his form from last season and he has done that with perfection. The Warriors after their two drab seasons made a promise to make a comeback next season and they are certainly doing so.

    The Warriors are not only Curry at the moment, they do have an array of players who can step up. The Warriors are currently at the summit in the Western Conference with a record of 29-8. They recently lost to Dallas Mavericks and that has brought them level to Phonix Suns’ record who are definitely on the upward curve.


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